
Paseo de la Castellana 12
ES-28046 Madrid


President: Mata Vall-Llossera Ferrán
1st Vice-President: Juan Antonio Ortiz Orueta
2nd Vice-President: Moisés Castro Oporto
Secretary General: Laureano Matas Trenas
Treasurer: Mª José Peñalver Sánchez
Number of staff: 16

Number of direct members: 48.000
Number of qualified valuers (individuals): 790

Member of TEGOVA since: May 2021
Category of membership: Full

Established in 1931, CSCAE gathers all the Official Orders of Architects and their Autonomic Councils in Spain.

Permanent representatives to TEGOVA

Arancha Espinosa Galindo

President of UAPFE (Unión de Arquitectos Peritos y Forenses de España)

Tel.: +34 914 352 200

Anna Fabregat Ulldemolins

President of AEPMFC (Agrupación de Arquitectos Expertos Periciales Forenses y Mediadores del Colegio de Arquitectos de Cataluña)

Mobile: +34 619 104 147

Brief History and Role

The Bylaws for the Regime and the Governance of the Spanish Orders of Architects were approved through the Decree dated 13 June 1931.

CSCAE gathers all the Official Orders of Architects and their Autonomic Councils in Spain.

Inside its structure, UAPFE was created in 1985 as a coalition of each regional group of expert architects in the field of judicial or valuation procedures

Principal Activities

The High Council performs the following duties:

- Representation

- Regulation

- Coordination

- Organisation

All other activities that are of common and general interest for the profession

Principal Areas of Policy

Within its jurisdiction, the following are the essential purposes of the Higher Council in the practice of its functions pursuant to current legislation:

- Representing and defending the profession and its Orders and Autonomic Councils as a single unit.

- Coordinating the action of its members in the completion of its essential purposes and shared purposes as well as in its relations with service entities created, promoted or held by the Orders, the Autonomic Councils, or the Council itself

- Guaranteeing, in its own practice, and ensuring, at all times, the equality of treatment for all architects and their free practice of their profession in all Spain within the frame established pursuant to current legal provisions.

- Establishing the Code of Conduct for Architects within the frame of current regulations.

- Protecting the interests of consumers and users of architectural services.


CSCAE gathers all the Official Orders of Architects and their Autonomic Councils in Spain.

According to its General Bylaws, the bodies of the Higher Council are the General Assembly, the Plenary Session and the President.


CSCAE has 48.000 members. Among them, 790 are individual qualified valuers.



CSCAE, jointly with AEVIU and CGATE, translated and published the Spanish version of EVS 2020.


The Spanish TEGOVA member associations AEVIU, CGATE and CSCAE formed TEGOVA SPAIN. Its main goal is to work together to pursue and defend common interests.